
A HUGE thanks to Mike Lyon of DoYouConvert.com for allowing us to share this. Tribes author Seth Godin talking about the future for homebuilders at the PCBC 2009 conference where Seth gave the keynote. Highlights of the keynote are on Mike's site and they are great!

This is a great year for consumers to buy new construction residences, especially spec homes. With so few homes being built this year, they will fare very well as resales in the years to come. Ooops....sorry Seth....wrong mindset (watch video).

NON RELATED....Greg will be shooting for HGTV's More Bang For Your Buck this Friday and Saturday in Indianapolis. We'll be shooting three kitchens that have recently been renovated. The episode will air this Fall on HGTV and we'll post air dates as they become available. We'll also have an updated blog post over this coming weekend about the shoot and show as a whole!

Finally....May market data is out. It still is very weak. As we joked to several people we could just change the month at the top of the report and it would look pretty much the same. If you would like a copy please email greg@gregcooper.com.