Selling The Mansion: The Decorator's Show House - The Event
Once the formalities were dispatched as to whether this event would be held at the mansion, the real work began. A nearly silent estate became a beehive almost instantly. Vehicles of all kinds were coming and going as decorators, media people and vendors all became enamored with what this place would look like once the transformation of making it a Decorator's Show House had occurred. From late January until late April the work went on at a frenzied pace.
Then...all at once it became the night before. Millions of dollars of antiques and opulent decor had been carefully arranged from the Master Suite across the Sports Building to the pool area. Thousands of hours of work had culminated into this event which would turn out to be the largest of it's kind in our state. Everything was in place. I was at the mansion the night before the Show House started, late into the evening. I was one of the last to leave the property and the memory will stay with me for a lot of years. As I walked from the rear of the grounds to the pool area it felt completely surreal. The pool deck area had been outfitted with all kinds of over sized furniture. There were no lights on aside from the full moon coming up across the sycamores to the south. It looked like a scene from Alice in Wonderland. Life size chess pieces sat on a 12 foot wide chess board. Huge wing backed chairs that reminded me of an old Lilly Tomlin sketch from my childhood were arranged along a gigantic table. I half expected to be joined by Brare Rabbit. I became a bit religious about it all at that point. Praying it went smoothly, praying there were no major incidents, praying we'd have that elusive buyer come forward so that the tens of thousands of dollars of marketing would pay off so that my partner and I could go back to just having one full time job. There would be an elusive buyer appear...how elusive would be the question for our next installment of Selling The Mansion. east carmel indiana homes for sale 46033, east carmel indiana neighborhoods, east carmel sold home sale prices, greg cooper, top selling indiana realtor broker agent 46033