
Dear Zillow: I Think I Love You

I have a new man crush. I am hopelessly, deliriously, completely infatuated with the blue and green. That's right....I am in love with Zillow. Their CEO, Spencer Rascoff...I think he's just dreamy. All of those little hints he keeps giving real esate agents about how we should be using Zillow? Sighhhhhh. Some days I think he's talking directly to me. I will admit it's taken some time. Zillow was always like the obnoxious kid in home room who knocked my books out of my hand and spit in my food in the cafeteria. But now...I have finally seen the light. Zillow makes my naughty financial parts tingle. Where once there was disdain, now there's lust. Unfortunately I'm afraid Zillow may never feel the same way about me. You see...in the plainest terms I was a hater. I blogged about, went on TV about, on the radio about, basically went to any street corner that would have me and I would preach about how much I disliked Zillow. But then I realized something. All of the other kids in school loved Zillow. They were and still are crazy about him. They think he's a righteous dude. It finally hit me that if all of these people were in love with Zillow then maybe I should be too. While this love may always be unrequited given my previous venom, that won't sway my new found love. Zillow I love you. I even love your Zestimates despite the fact they are rarely even in the ball park. You see when one of the other kids is sad about your Zestimate, it gives me a chance to comfort them and share other, more accurate information. When someone finds a home on Zillow that's not even for sale anymore, I can come to the rescue and provide other homes for that someone to love. Zillow...I am so lucky to have you in my life. Let's grow old together, shall we...and I promise not to leave you no matter what that nice Mr. Murdoch and the kids at Newscorp promise me in the future. Sighhhhhh.
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