Why You Should NEVER Lose A Bidding War For The 2nd Time (or 3rd or 4th...) On A Home.
It saddens me to hear prospective home buyers say 'well we keep bidding on homes and losing and we're just so frustrated and want to give up.' The reality is you should NEVER lose your 2nd bid, 3rd, whatever. If your offer is being correctly crafted, if you DON'T understand how to use the home inspection clause to buy a home, if you understand EXACTLY what role a lender MUST play in the buying proces then you are going to be repeatedly frustrated by your results. (HINT...none of these vendors should simply be 'somebody's friend, brother in law, rookie agent referral). This is why my team succeeded in over 90% of the offers we wrote in the last 12 months. #realestate #bhhs #neverloseabid