Surely the money you spend on your home will come back to you, right? Not so fast. There are several improvements that simply won't pay you back. 1) Extensive aquariums - they're just way to narrow of an appeal and many won't know how to care for them. 2) Built In Electronics - Tech changes too fast. Big dollars quickly outdated. 3) Eliminating a bedroom - don't EVER hijack space to eliminate a bedroom (unless you have 14 of them). 4) Over improving the basement - below grade improvements NEVER pay back like above grade improvements. Finishing a basement is fine just don't go crazy on that man cave and think you'll get the cash back. 5) Over improving the outdoor space - when in doubt keep it within the neighborhood norm. A fancy outdoor kitchen or a gunnite pool may add to your quality of life but your buyer may not want to pay for that someday.
In general....when in doubt about the money you're considering spending on your home get a professionals advice. No, a home decorator is not a housing professional. An appraiser or a well seasoned Broker is.
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