Decorator Show House Post Mortem
This post feels like it should read 'I helped facilitate the 2006 Decorator's Show House and all I got was this bottle of wine.' I WAS grateful that St Margaret's Guild gave me one of these but I would have been much happier if the house had sold. After over 35,000 people came through Indiana's highest profile property, the event itself was a raging success. Hundreds of thousands of dollars had been raised for people in need without major incident at the property and in truth we had one true (viable) buyer who was interested. We thought. All that was left to do now was get the millions of dollars worth of furniture out, resolve putting the house back in neutral form for Conseco and this event would be in the books. After hundreds of hours of work, numerous exclusive parties and gatherings and tens of thousands of visitors like you and me, it was behind us. Now we had the task of dealing with Mr. Right, our one suitor who had come to the forefront as a purchaser as a result of this event. His story is coming next in our series of Selling The Mansion. east carmel indiana homes for sale neighborhoods greg cooper, top selling carmel indiana broker agent realtor, hilbert estate